Case study: Arizona Public Service’s multi-DER strategy
Arizona Public Service (APS) is taking progressive steps to address challenges that every utility will face in the coming years. The utility has become a national leader on clean energy with a commitment to transition to 100 percent clean and carbon-free electricity by 2050.
APS has partnered with EnergyHub to implement a multi-DER strategy that leverages the unique capabilities of different asset classes to achieve their goals for the grid. Their portfolio managed through EnergyHub’s Mercury DERMS includes thermostats, water heaters, batteries, and solar inverters.
You can download the case study for detailed insights into APS’ sophisticated DER approach, or read on for a summary.
APS has deployed EnergyHub’s Mercury DERMS platform to proactively leverage DERs to counterbalance grid conditions in an integrated way. EnergyHub enables APS to harness DER flexibility for system-wide and local load management, to soak up excess renewable generation while minimizing system peaks, and to provide visibility into behind-the-meter DERs across their service territory. EnergyHub’s experience running customer-centric DER programs at scale offers APS the opportunity to put the customer at the center of the solution.
The result has been a wide range of programs across different DER asset classes and deployment models – bring-your-own-device (BYOD) and direct install for both customer-owned and utility-owned DERs.
As these DER deployments start to reach a level of scale that is significant to the control room, the Mercury DERMS will integrate with utility systems to provide value across the enterprise.