Dynamic load shaping
Deliver grid objectives in response to near real-time conditions
Scale your VPP across DER types to shape load dynamically.
Provide the flexibility the grid needs, year round.
Wholesale price optimization
Shift to times of the day when wholesale energy prices are lower
Based on pricing signals from external markets, the platform automatically shifts loads to lower-cost periods.

Customer rate optimization
Shift to times of the day when customer rates are lower
Optimize charging schedules to save customers money.

Granular dispatch
Deliver higher load shed by dispatching smaller groups
Optimize event strategies for availability of renewables and sustained load reduction. Use machine learning to build and dispatch smaller customer groups to deliver longer events while minimizing customer impact.

Distribution load management
Shift load to stay under distribution load limits
Dynamically spread energy demand to stay under a load limit, extending distribution equipment lifespan and deferring capital expenditure.