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VentureBeat: Good-Bye Solar? Greentech Investments Shift to Consumer Tech and Electric Vehicles

By Sarah Mitroff

The green technology investing boom has slowed. But if you ask investors, greentech isn’t disappearing, it’s just changing.

Since the 2008 recession, venture capital firms have refocused their funds away from solar and onto different areas of greentech. Physic Ventures has found success investing in consumer-focused green technology startups, as well as startups applying green principles to already viable technologies, such as cloud, mobile, and social.

Startups that take the latter approach have gained VC firms’ attention because their more-familiar business models can set them up for successful exits, says [Andrew] Williamson.

Business-to-consumer startups that focus on sustainable living, recycling, and collaborative consumption have also done well. Recycle Bank, which rewards people for doing green activities, and EnergyHub, a startup using cloud tech to manage home energy usage, are two examples of Physic-backed startups applying greentech issues to current technology.

To read the full article, head on over to VentureBeat.

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